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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Netanyahu’

Romney, view of world and education

Romney, view of world and education

      Romney's World View By Michael Brenner Mitt Romney's provocative remarks in Jerusalem this week on Palestine and Iran have focused attention on how he thinks about American foreign policy generally. Beyond the immediate controversy, there is fresh reason to puzzle as to who exactly the Republican presidential nominee is and who are the people he relies on for advice. For his reputation in the United States as a reserved, scripted candidate who strives to avoid impetuous ... Full Story

Israel targets Obama

Israel targets Obama

                      Netanyahu to Obama on election: When we say jump, you say how high? By Franklin Lamb   Presidential candidate Barack Obama is being targeted by the US Israel lobby from A to Z, (Ackerman, Gary & Aipac to Zuckerman, Mort & the Zionist Organization of America) as no American president seeking re-election has been in the country's 236 year history. Israel's duel loyalty agents, as well as more fair-minded ... Full Story

More war is coming

More war is coming

      "Netanyahu has decided to attack Iran before the U.S. Elections in November." by Michael Carmichael Senior Israeli officials now confirm that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has, "decided to attack Iran before the U.S. elections in November." Netanyahu's agenda is much broader than knocking out Iranian nuclear installations for his aim is to reshape the political landscape in the USA and Israel shifting everything to the far, far right in order to create a new ... Full Story

Most Israelis want peace

Most Israelis want peace

  Israelis and Iranians Against War Most Israelis oppose war on Iran. by Stephen Lendman Israelis aren't all like Netanyahu and Knesset extremists like him. Most want peace, not war. On March 24, Haaretz headlined, "Hundreds of Israelis march in Tel Aviv to protest war with Iran." A Ronny Edry/Michal Tamir "Israelis against a war with Iran" Facebook campaign linked anti-war Israeli and Iranian citizens. It inspired protesters after it went viral, saying: "The newspaper headlines tell ... Full Story

War with Iran, Syria?

War with Iran, Syria?

                  By Larry Everest Threats, Aggression, War Preparations...and Lies--U.S. and Israel Accelerate Campaign Against Iran Just what is it the U.S. and Israel are really defending and seeking to preserve? They're working to preserve U.S. domination over this whole region in service of a global empire of exploitation imposed and maintained by massive violence. And if there's a debate among them, it's over how to best pursue that ... Full Story

Congress to Palestinians: Drop dead

Congress to Palestinians: Drop dead

Netanyahu's address to Congress demonstrated that he has no intention of making peace with the Palestinians. Opinion by MJ Rosenberg If anyone had any doubt about whether the Palestinians would declare a state in September, they can't have them now. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to Congress that essentially was a series of insults to Palestinians and every insult was met by applause and standing ovations. In fact, Netanyahu's appearance ... Full Story