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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘New York Times’

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

  March 11, 2013 By Jason Sattler The shock of 9/11 and the rapid appearance of success in ousting the Taliban presented George W. Bush with political power few U.S. presidents have enjoyed. Bush’s approval rating shot up to an astounding 90 percent in the aftermath of the largest-ever terror attack on Americans. Less than a year later, the Republican Party picked up eight House seats and control of the Senate — one of the few times in history the president’s party posted gains in ... Full Story

Springtime for Toxics

Springtime for Toxics

          Springtime for Toxics By Paul Krugman Here’s what I wanted for Christmas: something that would make us both healthier and richer. And since I was just making a wish, why not ask that Americans get smarter, too? Surprise: I got my wish, in the form of new Environmental Protection Agency standards on mercury and air toxics for power plants. These rules are long overdue: we were supposed to start regulating mercury more than 20 years ago. But the rules are ... Full Story

Editorial:The Brothers Koch and AB 32

Editorial:The Brothers Koch and AB 32

Editorial September 20, 2010 The Brothers Koch and AB 32 Four years ago, bipartisan majorities in the California Legislature approved a landmark clean energy bill ... Now a well-financed coalition of right-wing ideologues, out-of-state oil and gas companies and climate-change skeptics is seeking to effectively kill that law ....