Al Jazeera on Snowden, WikiLeaks and Greenwald
Snowden, Greenwald and Wikileaks are winning
Bribery keep domestic spying in place
Whether or not you agree with the surveillance, you cannot ignore the fact that there’s a huge problem with evidence this obvious that Congress is primarily money-driven.
Letter to Edward Snowden
Authorities want to be able to identify where the ‘hubs’ are, who the people are who sit at key points in networks, helping pass news and messages along, but especially,…
Acts of war by the United States?
Morales again blamed Washington for pressuring European countries to refuse to allow his plane to fly through their airspace on Tuesday, forcing it to land in Vienna,
NSA’s abuse of power
The roots of this trend go back at least as far as the Reagan era, when the political right became obsessed with limiting government and denigrating those who worked for…
The United States of Fascism
Free nations don't spy on and murder their citizens.
Fascism on the Rise
No president has done more to create the infrastructure for a possible future police state than Mr. Obama
GAP: Snowden’s accusers are the guilty
Pervasive surveillance does not meet the standard for classified information.
America the police state
No healthy democracy can endure when the most consequential acts of those in power remain secret and unaccountable