July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Oakland’

10 Shockingly Violent Police Assaults on Occupy

10 Shockingly Violent Police Assaults on Occupy Protesters

Intro by Gary Wamsley Unfortunately you will not find "Main Stream Media" covering this side of the story. In this case, AlterNet has put together these 10 events and added some comments and context. The point is that police are not supposed to use more force than necessary. When they do it infuriates crowds and leads to confrontations. The unprovoked attacks in these videos is a chilling statement on the police state that the United States is becoming. The sight in some of these videos of ... Full Story

Occupy Together not Occupy Bloodlust

By Wim Laven Precedent There is an old adage for journalism: If it bleeds, it leads; we are reminded of this sentiment regularly. Earlier this year I wrote about our need to see Osama bin Laden’s body; the thirst for blood was alive and well after Muammar Gaddafi was killed as well. It is important to avoid such a reaction with the nonviolent Occupy Movement. Story On Tuesday Oct. 25, images of police in gas masks, armed with teargas, violently dispersing a crowd in Oakland California, ... Full Story

Veterans joining occupy movement

Veterans joining occupy movement

          Call of Duty: Veterans Join the 99 Percent By Amy Goodman 11-11-11 is not a variant of Herman Cain’s much-touted 9-9-9 tax plan, but rather the date of this year’s Veterans Day. This is especially relevant, as the U.S. has now entered its second decade of war in Afghanistan, the longest war in the nation’s history. U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are appearing more and more on the front lines—the front lines of the Occupy Wall Street ... Full Story