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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

The parties are not the same

The parties are not the same

Do American liberals ever pay attention to the corruption in the Democratic Party at all? If so, why do they insist that the Republican Party is worse? Quora Question: Answered by: Randy Weir: Author, journalist, minister Lifelong conservative and former Republican here. Let’s run through this. Reagan should have been impeached over Iran-Contra, but Oliver North perjured himself to protect him, and became a Republican hero for doing so. Bill Clinton lied about an affair and was impeached. ... Full Story

The numbers don’t lie—but Trump does

The numbers don’t lie—but Trump does

By Tom H. Hastings According to a Fox News poll taken this week, voters believe Donald Trump would do better than Hillary Clinton on the economy. This is a wildly poor assumption. Look at the fair and reasonable indicators. We can surmise that Trump would continue his fact-free shoot-from-the-hip predatory capitalist approach, and that his policies might look more like George W. Bush’s than anyone else’s. We can also logically guess that Clinton’s policies would resemble those of ... Full Story

More Benghazi, you’ve got to be kidding

More Benghazi, you’ve got to be kidding

  The Already Asked-And-Answered Questions Fox Wants To Know From The Benghazi Select Committee May 7, 2014 4:03 PM EDT OLIVIA KITTEL, MICHELLE LEUNG, & SAMANTHA WYATT Fox News has pushed reset on many of its favorite Benghazi myths that have already been put to rest in the wake of the recently released Rhodes email and the House GOP's announcement of the formation of a Select Committee to investigate the attacks. QUESTION: Who Changed The Talking Points? QUESTION: Why ... Full Story

Impeachment Would Fix Lots of Problems

Impeachment Would Fix Lots of Problems

by Robert De Filippis What’s wrong with the Republican’s burning desire to impeach the president? If you lived here in the rural heartland, well sheltered from all those liberal, urban and coastal types, you would understand. I do, because recently I was educated by a couple of locals while we sat at the bar of a neighborhood restaurant. The larger topic was American politics. I learned that our most important problem is really Obama, who we all know is a (expletive) socialist ... Full Story

The Trial of Bradley Manning: July 29, 2013

The Trial of Bradley Manning: July 29, 2013

  The Trial Of Bradley Manning as Seen by A Career Soldier By Timothy Gatto Bradley Manning March by Susan Melkisethian After the details of My Lai, a Vietnamese village that was destroyed and men, women and children killed by U.S. Soldiers came out, and the military had selected their fall guy for the massacre, Lt. Calley, we in the Army were subjected to constant classes on when to follow or when not to follow orders. We were told that there are legal orders and illegal orders, and ... Full Story

Acts of war by the United States?

Acts of war by the United States?

The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians  As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil By Glenn Greenwald guardian.co.uk, Saturday 6 July 2013 19.32 ED I've written an article on NSA surveillance for the front page of the Sunday edition of O Globo, the large Brazilian newspaper based in Rio de Janeiro. The article is headlined (translated) "US spied on millions of emails and calls ... Full Story

The United States of Fascism

    The Fascist State of America By Glen Barry #IStandWithEdwardSnowden because free nations don't spy on and murder their citizens. Democracies don't terrorize sovereign nations and their peoples with torture, false imprisonment, and drone-based perma-war. It is time to stand up against the oil oligarchy's police state that is stifling social change required to achieve universal human rights, justice, equity, and global ecological sustainability. "They who can give up essential ... Full Story

Stasi In the White House

Stasi In the White House

By: Paul Craig Roberts   On June 19, 2013, US President Obama, hoping to raise himself above the developing National Security Agency (NSA) spy scandals, sought to associate himself with two iconic speeches made at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy pledged: "Ich bin ein Berliner." In 1987, President Ronald Reagan challenged: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Obama's speech was delivered to a relatively small, specially selected audience of ... Full Story

Fascism on the Rise

  There's a New Fascism on the Rise, and the NSA Leaks Show Us What It Looks Like By John Pilger The power of truth-tellers like Edward Snowden is that they dispel a whole mythology carefully constructed by the corporate cinema, the corporate academy and the corporate media.  In his book, Propaganda, published in 1928, Edward Bernays wrote: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic ... Full Story

Darrell Issa Lied about IRS “scandal”

Darrell Issa Lied about IRS “scandal”

Full Transcript Reveals That Darrell Issa Lied About Obama Involvement In IRS Scandal By: Jason Easley By releasing the full transcript of interview with the IRS Screening Group manager, Rep. Elijah Cummings has proven that Rep. Darrell Issa lied about Obama’s involvement in the IRS scandal. Rep. Cummings absolutely destroyed Issa’s conspiratorial claims that Obama was masterminding the IRS scandal: This interview transcript provides a detailed first-hand account of how these practices ... Full Story

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