Berthoud Police Blotter: January 2015
Update February 3: A woman reported that her ex boyfriend broke her driver's side mirror after she refused to talk with him.
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Update February 3: A woman reported that her ex boyfriend broke her driver's side mirror after she refused to talk with him.
Updated Dec 2: an 11 year old boy decided that he didn't want to be in school anymore and walked out
Updated Nov. 5: Berthoud businesses (including Berthoud deputies) handed out candy to local zombies, witches, transformers, action heroes, football players, and people dressed up as parents.
Update September 4: , a resident called to report a gun was missing
Unspecified allegations made against police officers in Berthoud have the sheriff’s office running the department and investigating the accusations.
The Annual Installation “Snow-Ball” Dinner will take place on January 22, at the Brookside Gardens Event Center;