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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Pakistan’

The Diplomacy of Donald J. Trump

The Diplomacy of Donald J. Trump

By Mel Gurtov Oblivious to Tradition and Good Sense Those of us who appreciate the unconventional have to have second thoughts after watching Donald J. Trump in action.  All the more so when it comes to the conduct of foreign affairs, in which Mr. Trump is a novice.  Defying convention, which calls for the president or president-elect to call on the State Department for advice and talking points, and on the intelligence community for daily briefings, Trump at any time might decide ... Full Story

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News

OpEdNews  Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be

  Todays collection of articles in the OpEd News point at a difficult year ahead. Not the least of our problems is ten months of political campaigning. Keep looking here to see a candid look at the warts and all of the political newsmakers. It appears that war with Iran is inevitable no matter who is in the White House, though Rick Santorium says he will bomb them. Haven’t any of these politicians noticed how poorly we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan? The seem to still think we can ... Full Story

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

  OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be Provocative and informative, news and opinion that you did not see on the nightly news. Learn the rest of the story. You may not agree with everything here, but you will find it thought provoking and illuminating.    Daily Headlines   By Danny Schechter Is the Iraq War actually over? The county has a long way to go to recover from a war that is not over. The war that began with the bang of shock and awe ended with the ... Full Story

Coffman Urges Panetta to Put Troops First in Pakistan

  (WASHINGTON) - Today U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman, R-CO, a Marine Corps combat veteran of the first Gulf War and the Iraq War, called on Defense Secretary Leon Panetta not to compromise the safety of U.S. forces serving in Afghanistan by attempting to appease Pakistan as the Pentagon investigates the circumstances surrounding a NATO airstrike that left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead on Saturday, November 26. “If our troops stationed along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan come under attack, ... Full Story

Plan B for Afghanistan

Plan B for Afghanistan

  U.S. Senator Mark Udall The hard truth is that it is time for the United States to adopt more realistic goals in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  We must acknowledge that there will not be a military solution to the Afghanistan conflict – there can only be a political one – and that requires Pakistan to take responsibility and be held accountable for its actions.  If peace can’t be achieved by 2014 when our combat troops are set to leave, we need a Plan B that leaves Afghanistan ... Full Story

Our Monster

Our Monster

  By Winslow Myers In the Republican presidential debate on November 12 focusing upon issues of foreign policy, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, speaking of Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear capability, said, “We should be working with Israel right now to do what they did in Syria, what they did in Iraq, which is to take out that nuclear capability before the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one, and then the world changes.” With all respect, Mr. Santorum, the world has ... Full Story

Obama, Afghanistan, France

Obama, Afghanistan, France

                          Obama Doctrine: A Modesty of Ambitions Michael Singh BLOG A drifting, placating foreign policy that disappoints friends and emboldens foes. Read More                   AfPak: Looking at Year 2020 Hanson, et al.Essay A group of experts peer into Afghanistan and Pakistan's future and offer some surprising visions. Read More   ... Full Story

“Journey to Pakistan,” a Berthoud by the Book

“Journey to Pakistan,” a Berthoud by the Book program

By Sharlynn Wamsley Berthoud by the Book, sponsored by the Berthoud Community Library District, has scheduled a series of events that will give a greater depth of understanding for this year’s book choice, “Three Cups of Tea,” the story of Greg Mortenson and his efforts to build schools in Pakistan. Ali Kemal, doctoral student at CSU and native of Islamabad gave the presentation “Journey to Pakistan,” an insightful program about the physical attributes of the land and the nature and ... Full Story