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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘peacevoice’

Serve With Honor, Honor Those Who Serve; Or Support

Serve With Honor, Honor Those Who Serve; Or Support Trump?

by Wim Laven Starting as Armistice Day, celebrated for the first time November 11, 1919--the first anniversary of the end of World War I in 1918—what we now call Veterans Day is the observance of thanks to those who have served military duty. It acknowledges the living and the dead for honorably representing the country during peacetime and war. This year it is imperative that people understand that honor and the name Donald Trump cannot fit in the same sentence. His dishonor to the ... Full Story

Cancer with political clout

Cancer with political clout

By Robert C. Koehler A suicide bomber inflicts hell at a concert hall in Manchester, England that’s full of children, as though that was the point — to murder children. The horror of war . . . well, terrorism . . . doesn’t get any worse. And the media, as they focus on the spectacle of what happened, as they cover the particulars of the tragedy — the suspect’s name and ethnicity and apparent grievances, the anguish of the survivors, the names and ages of the victims — ... Full Story

Mad About THAAD: An Untimely Decision

Mad About THAAD: An Untimely Decision

  by Mel Gurtov   The US decision, supported by the South Korean government, to deploy an antimissile system known as THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) may be one of the most thoughtless strategic moves in a generation. The official US argument is that close-in defense against North Korean missiles is necessary. But the deployment has resulted in the following: an argument in China for increasing its nuclear weapons stockpile; an incentive in North Korea for moving ... Full Story

The Great American Awakening

The Great American Awakening

  By Robert C. Koehler Old wounds break open. Deep, encrusted wrongs are suddenly visible. The streets flow with anger and solidarity. The past and the future meet. The news is All Trump, All the Time, but what’s really happening is only minimally about Donald Trump, even though his outrageous actions and bizarre alliances are the trigger. “As the nightmare reality of Donald Trump sinks in, we need to put our resistance in a larger perspective,” Bob Fitrakis and ... Full Story

Family Life Under the Stigma of Undocumented

Family Life Under the Stigma of Undocumented Immigration

by 'Rebecca Schneider  “You have reached the voicemail box of...” “You have reached the voicemail box of…” “You have reached the voicemail box of…” Panic set in.  I was supposed to get dinner with him at Chili’s, my pregnancy cravings running wild for those honey chipotle chicken crispers.  We had just talked about it on the phone less than an hour before.  After a few minutes of waiting in the car, his family saw me, came outside and said, ... Full Story

Tweeting while the world comes to its senses

Tweeting while the world comes to its senses

By John LaForge   When Donald Trump Tweeted something about nuclear weapons Dec. 23, I thought he must be deliberately trivializing the Bomb to make it appear small, the way he makes light of sexual assault, punching critics, deporting millions, torturing suspects, and assassinating women and children. About the Bomb, the world’s most famous Tweeter offered, “The US must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses ... Full Story

The numbers don’t lie—but Trump does

The numbers don’t lie—but Trump does

By Tom H. Hastings According to a Fox News poll taken this week, voters believe Donald Trump would do better than Hillary Clinton on the economy. This is a wildly poor assumption. Look at the fair and reasonable indicators. We can surmise that Trump would continue his fact-free shoot-from-the-hip predatory capitalist approach, and that his policies might look more like George W. Bush’s than anyone else’s. We can also logically guess that Clinton’s policies would resemble those of ... Full Story

Billions for defense but not one red cent for peace

Billions for defense but not one red cent for peace

Fiscal cliff and the peace parachute By Tom H. Hastings As we all know, the inability of Congress to act decisively and with consensus about much of anything--if the Democrats issued a statement noting that the sun rises in the east there would be an instant outraged Republican rebuttal blaming Obama and explaining the Republicans' refusal to acknowledge the power of the sun, since that is an attack on JC (Job Creators, and probably the other JC too)--that inability has now been harnessed to ... Full Story

How Violence Protects the State

  By Stephanie Van Hook On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered, he spoke passionately in a sermon at Riverside Church in New York about the war in Vietnam. In this gripping speech about the hypocrisy of bringing democracy through napalm and the audacity of fostering a brotherhood through war and killing, he made a daring confession: “I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken ... Full Story

“Defense Act is unconstitutional”

“Defense Act is unconstitutional”

      by Brian J. Trautman       Each year, Congress authorizes the budget of the Department of Defense through a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA of 2012, however, is unlike any previous ones. This year’s legislation contains highly controversialprovisions that empower the Armed Forces to engage in civilian law enforcement and to selectively suspend due process and habeas corpus, as well as other rights guaranteed by the 5th and 6th ... Full Story

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