July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘peacevoice’

What We Owe to Bertha von Suttner

What We Owe to Bertha von Suttner By David Swanson Just saying her name sounds like a joke: Baroness Bertha Felicitas Sophie Freifrau von Suttner, Gräfin, née Countess Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau. And when she began talking about ending war in mid-nineteenth century Austria it wasn't her name that was treated as a joke. Yet by the turn of the century, her idea seemed to be one whose time had come. Bertha von Suttner's novel "Ground Arms," or "Lay Down Your Arms," was widely described as ... Full Story

Occupy Our Fears of Iran

By Winslow Myers U.S. behavior long ago provided one causal context for our unease about the presumed nuclear aspirations of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the U.S. and Britain messed with Iran’s last authentically democratic election in 1953, fearing communist influence and the nationalization of oil. U.S. oil corporations, a minor partner before the CIA overthrew elected Mohammad Mossadegh and installed the dictatorial Shah, then became the largest profiting entity, even more than the ... Full Story

Message: Bake a bigger Occu(pie)

  By Carlo Filice   With the various Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, talk of economic and social fairness is in the air. Demonstrators are complaining about the vast inequalities in wealth and political influence between the rich 1 percent or so and the remaining 99 percent. Are the complaints morally legitimate? A key point must be made. Wealth (and influence) inequality per se does not mean unfairness. One analogy is the classroom. Inequality of grades does not imply ... Full Story

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