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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Pearl Harbor’

 Drafted by the National Security State

 Drafted by the National Security State

  Posted by William Astore at 8:03am, June 12, 2014. Click on picture for more images of Willie and Joe On the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings, Brian Williams led off NBC Nightly News this way: “On our broadcast tonight, the salute to the warriors who stormed the beaches here in Normandy...”  It’s such a commonplace of our American world, that word “warriors” for those in the U.S. military or, as is said time and again, our “wounded warriors” for those hurt in ... Full Story

Udall Statement in Commemoration of the 70th

Udall Statement in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack Today, Mark Udall released the following statement in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. "Seventy years ago today, the attack on Pearl Harbor shocked our nation and changed the course of history. I join with all Coloradans in remembering the men and women who gave their lives on that infamous day. We also salute the veterans and survivors of Pearl Harbor who are still with us. Their ... Full Story

On This Day, November 26, 1941

On This Day, November 26, 1941

  Japanese task force leaves for Pearl Harbor On this day in 1941, Adm. Chuichi Nagumo leads the Japanese First Air Fleet, an aircraft carrier strike force, toward Pearl Harbor, with the understanding that should "negotiations with the United States reach a successful conclusion, the task force will immediately put about and return to the homeland." Negotiations had been ongoing for months. Japan wanted an end to U.S. economic sanctions. The Americans wanted Japan out of China and ... Full Story