Sky Tonight—February 3, Double Cluster of Perseus in northwest
These two open star clusters reside an estimated 7,400 light years away. Each contains 300 to 400 stars.
News for Norther Colorado and the world
These two open star clusters reside an estimated 7,400 light years away. Each contains 300 to 400 stars.
Algol is what astronomers call an eclipsing binary star. In other words, the single point of light that we see as Algol is really two stars.
Cassiopeia was a queen in ancient Greek mythology. According to legend, she boasted she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs, called the Nereids.
This star’s proper name comes from the Arabic for head of the ghoul, or head of the demon.
Thus, Algol is what has been called an “eclipsing variable star.”
Perseus (the Hero) follows Cassiopeia across the night sky.
last chance to see a good display of meteors before dawn August 14. In addition, as night falls this evening, you can see Venus near the waxing crescent moon in…
The 2010 Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight. Look late tonight and between midnight and dawn on Friday, August 13.
The 2010 Perseid meteors are peaking over the next few days. As always, you will see the most meteors between midnight and dawn.
Queen Cassiopeia was said to have offended the sea nymphs, or Nereids, by boasting that her own beauty was greater than theirs. It is said that the nymphs appealed to…