July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘photographs’

Ansel Adams: Masterworks

Ansel Adams: Masterworks

First Major Showing in Rocky Mountain Region “Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.”  Ansel Adams FORT COLLINS, CO—The first major showing in the Rocky Mountain region of photographs from the Museum Set by legendary photographer Ansel Adams: Masterworks will open Jan. 14, 2011, at the Fort Collins Museum of Art (formerly Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art.) Long recognized as one of America’s premier photographers, Adams ... Full Story

Vilona Studio Gallery Events in December

Vilona Studio Gallery Events in December

Happy Holidays! The Vilona Studio Gallery is proud to present Amelia Vilona's first Gallery Show featuring artistic photographs of her recent USA and world travels. Her work is spontaneous, colorful and expressive; artistic in its interpretation of her travels thru the US, Bali, Amsterdam, California, the Carribean and other beautiful and inspiring locations. Come meet this talented photographer, enjoy refreshments and have fun with us! December 4 Saturday 1-4 PM. Just a ... Full Story

Photo Detective Unearths Photos of Revolutionary War

Photo Detective Unearths Photos of Revolutionary War Participants

By Claudia Todd-Young Maureen Taylor describes herself as a photo detective. Those of us who have read her book, “The Last Muster,” think of her as a modern-day dream weaver. In “The Last Muster,” Taylor has accomplished something that most of us hadn’t thought possible — a record of photographs and personal accounts of those who actually participated in the Revolutionary War. Readers may be forgiven for being somewhat skeptical upon first hearing of a collection of Revolutionary ... Full Story

Take the lens cap off, and other musings on

By Jamie Folsom Managing Editor, Berthoud Recorder Around the office, we’ve always said our photographs set us apart as a paper. And it’s no wonder, with so many of us being photo enthusiasts. We constantly challenge and learn from one another – get better shots, experiment, look at events we’ve covered before in new ways, go behind the scenes and help the reader see more of the action. (more…)