Sky Tonight—April 7, Waxing crescent moon in front of Taurus
Tonight’s moon presents a great jumping-off spot to find your way around Taurus.
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Tonight’s moon presents a great jumping-off spot to find your way around Taurus.
The Zuni intently watched the Pleiades at springtime, noting when the “Seed Stars” first disappeared into the spring evening dusk.
The Pleiades cluster readily fits within a binocular field of view
The little star that you might spot near the moon is 41 Arietis, also known in Hindu astrology as Bharani
The waxing gibbous moon shines close to the Pleiades star cluster tonight.
the bright waxing gibbous moon sits right in front of the Bull.
The moon will leave the evening sky during the last week of January 2011, staging the Pleiades in a dark starry sky.
Early stargazers sometimes described the Pleiades as a ’swarm of bees’ in the night sky
At nightfall and early evening, the bowl-shaped constellation Corona Borealis – the Northern Crown – shines to the lower right of the star Vega, close to your western horizon.
The Pleiades cluster is often called the Seven Sisters, though most people can only see six Pleiades stars with the unaided eye. These six little starlets create the tiny dipper-shaped…