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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘right wing’

Partisan politics in our schools

Partisan politics in our schools

  School boards become next front in partisan battle Education policy draws higher interest as political parties put more resources into races By Alex Burness Reporter-Herald Staff Writer In a public comment at Wednesday night's Thompson School District Board of Education meeting, Windsor's Amie Toerge lit into Bryce Carlson, the board's vice president, accusing him of helping usher partisan politics into the district. "I was appalled to learn that (Carlson) is currently serving as a ... Full Story

Jesus Wants You To Buy An AR-15

Jesus Wants You To Buy An AR-15

  This Week In Crazy  By Henry Decker #1 This week’s “winner” is retired lieutenant general and current Family Research Council vice president Jerry Boykin. Boykin, who was last seen on this list fawning over his image of Jesus Christ as a “man’s man” with “big bulging biceps” and a “thin waist,” has added another accessory to his fantasy Christ: An AR-15! “The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 is says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A ... Full Story

Right Wing planning coordinated attack

Right Wing planning coordinated attack

  Inside Groundswell: Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a "30 Front War" Ginni Thomas, Allen West, and a crew of conservative activists and journalists have formed a hush-hush coalition to battle progressives—and Karl Rove. —By David Corn   Believing they are losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists from Breitbart News and ... Full Story

ALEC Members won’t support democracy

ALEC Members won’t support democracy

ALEC Members Refuse to Sign a Pledge Supporting Democracy   It is fair to assume that America is host to an incredibly ignorant population who know very little about their government and how it affects their daily lives. That sad fact was exposed in a brilliant 2008 book revealing that only 20% of the population can name the three branches of government and 49% think a president has the authority to suspend the Constitution. However, the population’s ignorance of their government aside, it ... Full Story

“Conservatives” opposed the revolution

Proud Conservative? You Should Be Ashamed! (Video)   written by Jason May 4, 2013 If there’s one thing that so-called “conservatives” are good at (besides lying, cheating, stealing, killing, racism, bigotry, misogyny, ignorance and destroying nature), it’s language.  And I don’t mean speaking it, or writing it – because we’ve all seen the signs.  I mean that they’re masters at Orwellian double-speak, and making positive words negative, and vice-versa.  They frequently ... Full Story

What happened to Conservatives?

What happened to Conservatives?

  American Right-Wingers Are No Longer Conservative — They're Extremists Their reactionary bent is manifesting itself in legislatures across the country. April 17, 2013   By Joshua Holland College students taking Poli-Sci 101 learn that conservatism is an ideology that reveres established tradition, emphasizes a deep respect for the rule of law and comes with a deep distrust of rapid social change – especially change driven by public policy. William F. Buckley Jr., famously ... Full Story

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

  March 11, 2013 By Jason Sattler The shock of 9/11 and the rapid appearance of success in ousting the Taliban presented George W. Bush with political power few U.S. presidents have enjoyed. Bush’s approval rating shot up to an astounding 90 percent in the aftermath of the largest-ever terror attack on Americans. Less than a year later, the Republican Party picked up eight House seats and control of the Senate — one of the few times in history the president’s party posted gains in ... Full Story

Honest Conservative?

Honest Conservative?

        Bruce Bartlett: ‘My Life on the Republican Right And How I Saw It All Go Wrong’   By Brad Friedman on 11/27/2012, 3:33pm PT We've been quite remiss by failing to offer the The BRAD BLOG's much-sought yet rarely-bestowed "Intellectually Honest Conservative" Award to Bruce Bartlett, Ronald Reagan's domestic policy adviser and George H.W. Bush's Deputy Asst. Secretary for Economic Policy. We were reminded of our delinquency again today upon reviewing his ... Full Story

GOP plays the Christianity card

GOP plays the Christianity card

                    The Myth of the Christian Right By Mary Shaw (about the author)   GOP politicians and their followers love to play the Christianity card. They wave their bibles and wag their fingers at anyone whose behavior doesn't pass their sanctimonious moral judgment. They call themselves Christians, but in Catholic school I was taught that Christians adore and follow Jesus Christ. These holier-than-thou Republicans don't reflect ... Full Story

Right Wing trolls bash pizza parlor

Right Wing trolls bash pizza parlor

    Right Wing Trolls Trash A Small Business — For Welcoming Obama September 11th, 2012 10:40 pm Henry Decker Scott Van Duzer, the Florida restauranteur who lifted President Obama off the ground in a bear hug when Obama visited his pizzeria on Sunday, thought that he was just creating a lighthearted photo-op. Unfortunately, Van Duzer underestimated how rabidly the right-wing fringe hates the president. Republicans have organized a boycott of Big Apple Pizza because Van Duzer had ... Full Story

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