July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Rights’

What is a Country For?

What is a Country For?

At the height of the George W. Bush years, a bit of a TomDispatch piece would sometimes be reposted at a right-wing website with a disparaging comment, and I’d suddenly be deluged with abusive emails (many homophobic) that regularly advised me to take my whatever and get out of Dodge. Though I was born in New York City, as was my father (my mother’s hometown was Chicago), the phrase invariably brought to bear was “go back to...” and the only question was where. There were small ... Full Story

Obama should veto Defense Authorization Bill

Obama should veto Defense Authorization Bill

  The Defense Authorization Bill before congress has provisions that remove long standing constitutional protections for Americans and is another assault on our individual rights. These violations are being championed by those whose mantra has been "going back to the constitution." The speak one thing and do the opposite. This is a very dangerous precedent. The bill also includes an amendment that would authorizeHere the use of torture. Torture is against international law and this would ... Full Story

Super PACs’ multiply to sway election

Super PACs’ multiply to sway election

The Supreme Court's ruling to strike down limits on corporate campaign spending fuels a surge in election money Dear Friends and Neighbors: From Ken Gordon Those are the September 9 Bloomberg Business Week headlines. The case that they are referring to is Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission, which says that corporations and unions have free speech rights. And since the Supreme Court in an earlier decision, Buckley v. Valeo, said that money is speech, we now, courtesy of five ... Full Story