July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Santorum’

You can’t have it all

You can’t have it all

          FACT CHECK: You can't have it all, sorry By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press – WASHINGTON (AP) — Is there any impulse greater in politics than to promise people the sun and the moon? Each in their own way, the Republican candidates heading into Super Tuesday primaries are telling Americans they can have "it all" — plentiful energy without pain at the pump, jobs without deeper debt, thriving factories like the days of yore, a renaissance at every dusty ... Full Story

What Bible Is the GOP Reading

What Bible Is the GOP Reading

    What Bible Is Santorum Reading? By Mike Lux When conservative Congressman Todd Akin a few months back suggested that liberalism was a "hatred of God," I postulated that given the overwhelming support for liberal and progressive values in the Judeo-Christian Bible, perhaps he had never bothered to actually read the Bible. With Rick Santorum's recent comment that Obama's agenda is "Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology," I am now ... Full Story

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News

OpEdNews  Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be

  Todays collection of articles in the OpEd News point at a difficult year ahead. Not the least of our problems is ten months of political campaigning. Keep looking here to see a candid look at the warts and all of the political newsmakers. It appears that war with Iran is inevitable no matter who is in the White House, though Rick Santorium says he will bomb them. Haven’t any of these politicians noticed how poorly we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan? The seem to still think we can ... Full Story

Our Monster

Our Monster

  By Winslow Myers In the Republican presidential debate on November 12 focusing upon issues of foreign policy, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, speaking of Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear capability, said, “We should be working with Israel right now to do what they did in Syria, what they did in Iraq, which is to take out that nuclear capability before the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one, and then the world changes.” With all respect, Mr. Santorum, the world has ... Full Story