July 2024


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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘School District’

Loveland’s 25th Martin Luther King Day Celebration

Loveland’s 25th Martin Luther King Day Celebration

6:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 19, In Mountain View High School Thompson School District students, of all ages, will interpret the theme, “The Dream Lives On,” during Loveland’s 25th Martin Luther King Day celebration. The performances in Mountain View High School’s auditorium will begin at 6:45 p.m., preceded by a 6:30 p.m. student art show in the foyer. Loveland’s Mayor Cecil Guitierrez and City Manager Bill Cahill will give opening remarks before a profusion of song, drama, poetry and art ... Full Story

Victory: Rutherford Institute Lawsuit Advances

  Students Prohibited from Wearing American Flag T-Shirts to School Will Have Day in Court SAN JOSE, Calif.—A California federal court has refused to dismiss a First Amendment lawsuit filed by The Rutherford Institute that challenges a decision by public school officials to prohibit students from wearing American flag t-shirts to school. The lawsuit alleges that the constitutional rights of students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Calif., were violated when school administrators ... Full Story

Thompson School District informational nights for 8th

Thompson School District informational nights for 8th grade

  Thompson School District Informational Nights for Eighth Grade Students and Parents Parents and 8th Grade students who will be in high school in 2011-12 are invited to attend one or more information nights regarding specialized programs at different high schools. Each Thompson School District high school offers one or more specialized programs designed to enrich the educational experience for students.  To learn more about these educational programs, parents and students may attend any ... Full Story