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Posts Tagged ‘senate’

Note from State Senator SD15

The 72nd Session of the Colorado State Legislature has been underway since January 3. As anewly-elected Senator representing all of Larimer County (except Fort Collins), I’m doing my best to learn the ropes at the Capitol and stay to connected to folks back home. That isn’t easy because there are meetings, presentations and receptions from sunup to well-past sundown. In fact, while most Legislators rent housing near the Capitol during the session, I commute daily just so I can spend time ... Full Story

Voters? Screw The Voters, Says Sen. Kevin Lundberg

Voters? Screw The Voters, Says Sen. Kevin Lundberg

  by: Colorado Pols                                                                                March 29, 2017 at 12:26 PM MDT   Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R). A story from the Denver Post’s John Frank today that will make your blood ... Full Story

Lundberg: Birthday and Bills

Lundberg: Birthday and Bills

        March 24, 2017 Medical Transparency Bill Estes Park The Long Bill is Ready ______________________________________________________________________________ Medical Transparency Bill Senate Bill 65 passed the House this week. This is my medical transparency bill, requiring doctors, clinics and hospitals to list the prices of their most common practices. After the Senate approves House amendments it will be off to the Governor for his ... Full Story

Lundberg letter: May 2016

May 3, 2016 Immunization Exemption Forms Senate Bill 150--What it is, What it is Not _____________________________________________________________ State Health Department Makes Laws Without the Legislature House Bill 1164, a bill that would have required parents to register immunization exemptions for their children online was killed on second reading in the House on April 25. This bill was a bad idea for many reasons. To read more, click here. One might breathe a sigh ... Full Story

Green Party candidate for US Senate

Green Party candidate for US Senate

I’m Arn Menconi and I am a candidate for U.S. Senate for the Green Party. I am running, because as a dad of two young children, our generation must take back democracy back. I want to represent the people, not corporations and the top 1%. I will fight to end the military industrial dominance of our government with it's endless greed and killings, end our dependence on fossil fuels by 2050, providing single payer healthcare for all as a right not as a privilege and break up the Big Banks ... Full Story

Keving Lundberg November Newsletter

Keving Lundberg November Newsletter

Fetal Tissue Hearing Syrian Refugees in Colorado Endorsing Ted Cruz for President Cambell Soup and G.A. Henty Lundberg, Kevin 0912.jpg Kevin Lundberg _______________________________________________________________________ Here is my report on the Fetal Tissue Trafficking Hearing I chaired last week. The hearing was a great success, despite a lack of participation from Planned Parenthood and most state agencies. With a standing-room-only crowd, several TV ... Full Story

“No Labels” And Cory Gardner–Is This A Joke?

“No Labels” And Cory Gardner–Is This A Joke?

  Senate candidate Cory Gardner’s campaign sent out a press release on Monday claiming endorsement by the non-partisan ‘No Labels’ group. Foul, calls ColoradoPols.com, saying, “UPDATE: Hold everything, it looks like Gardner wasn't completely honest about this little "endorsement," press release from Gardner’s campaign : “Bipartisan “No Labels” group endorses Cory Gardner.” But a spokesman for the group later explained to FOX31 Denver that it is “an implied ... Full Story

Satire: GOP Furious

Satire: GOP Furious

GOP Furious State Department Cut Embassy Security After GOP Cut Embassy Security Funding Written by David Neilsen May 13th 2013 WASHINGTON — After a day of emotional hearings on the Benghazi Embassy attacks of 2012, Republican legislators yesterday decried the Obama State Department for following through with the budget cuts to embassy security mandated by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. “This is negligence of the highest order,” said House Oversight and Government ... Full Story

93% of Senators Who Rejected Gun Control Paid by NRA

93% of Senators Who Rejected Gun Control Paid by NRA

  By Kevin Mathews When 90% of Americans want increased gun control policies and their elected officials reject even minimal reform, it begs the question, who exactly are our Congress members representing? Well, as usual, the money tells a significant part of the story: 42 out of the 45 Senators who voted no on the recent bill have received significant donations from the gun lobby. “Politicians are bought!” “Politics are corrupt!” “Corporate interests over the welfare of ... Full Story

Elizabeth Warren Rips NRA And GOP

Elizabeth Warren Rips NRA And GOP

    Elizabeth Warren Rips NRA And GOP For ‘Keeping The Game Rigged’ By Jason Sattler After calling out the NRA’s “armies of lobbyists are fighting to rig the system so that the public remains in the dark,” the senior senator from Massachusetts attacked the organization’s efforts to stop public research into gun violence.  “If as many people were dying of a mysterious disease as innocent bystanders are dying from firearms, a cure would be our top priority,” Warren ... Full Story

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