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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Social Security’

Paul Ryan is not a great intellectual

Paul Ryan is not a great intellectual

        Recently we were introduced to a 2005 recording of Paul Ryan addressing the Atlas Society, apparently a fan club for Ayn Rand. In it he outlines his belief that Social Security should be privatized and turned over to Wall Street. The amazing part of his comments was that he claimed that whenever he had a legislative issue that, he would return to Rand’s 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged   and re-read all 64 pages of John Galt’s radio address. Do you find it as ... Full Story

You can’t have it all

You can’t have it all

          FACT CHECK: You can't have it all, sorry By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press – WASHINGTON (AP) — Is there any impulse greater in politics than to promise people the sun and the moon? Each in their own way, the Republican candidates heading into Super Tuesday primaries are telling Americans they can have "it all" — plentiful energy without pain at the pump, jobs without deeper debt, thriving factories like the days of yore, a renaissance at every dusty ... Full Story

Payroll Tax “Holiday”? – The Grasshopper and the

Payroll Tax “Holiday”? – The Grasshopper and the Ant!

  This was a very bad idea! The amount withheld from your paycheck (matched by your employer) is not a “tax,” but a contribution to your Social Security retirement benefits. If you don’t pay in during those quarters, it reduces the benefits you will receive upon retirement. Ask the Social Security Administration for a calculation of your estimated benefits (which are based on how much you pay-in) and you will see what I mean! This “tax holiday,” like all holidays, costs you in ... Full Story

Social Security facts

Social Security facts

      To the editor:   Myths about social security are like monsters in B movies that keep returning no matter how many times they're killed -- like the myth that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. While there was a Charles Ponzi, and there is a scheme named after him, that's where any accuracy ends. That took about two minutes online to discover. Social Security was created to help everyone; Ponzi's scheme was devised to enrich himself. Social Security was created by a man ... Full Story

Senator Udall on Balanced Budget Amendment

Senator Udall on Balanced Budget Amendment

  A Common-sense Approach to Balancing the Federal Budget U.S. Senator Mark Udall The recent failure of the supercommittee to reach a deal on federal spending cuts is just the latest example of how ill-equipped Congress is to address our nation's gravest challenge: our ballooning $15 trillion national debt. Democrats and Republicans are still stuck in the same rhetorical trenches. Democrats are reluctant to cut entitlements, while Republicans claim we can both cut taxes and balance our ... Full Story

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

    Press Release Representative Gardner Votes For Higher Taxes and Higher Medicare Premiums, Protects Billionaires This evening, Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) voted to force a $1,000 payroll tax hike on 2.5 million middle income Colorado families and raise Medicare premiums for seniors instead of ending tax breaks for billionaires. While voting for higher Medicare premiums for seniors in retirement, Gardner even voted against cutting his own Congressional retirement ... Full Story

Gardner votes for Middle Class Tax Relief and Job

  Press Release WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) voted for legislation that will help create tens of thousands of new jobs, while also providing a tax holiday to those who need it most.   “This is a job-creating bill that extends a much needed middle-class tax holiday. It prevents doctors from being hit with a cut in Medicare reimbursement rates and reforms the unemployment insurance benefits program. Most importantly, however, this bill protects the Social ... Full Story

Social Security cuts don’t add up

Social Security cuts don’t add up

  Note: The following article states that new research shows that Americans over 65 are disproportionately wealthy. The word "disproportionately" is used in a pejorative manner in this sentence. The report from Pew Research entitled "The Rising Age Gap in Economic Well-Being: The Old Prosper Relative to the Young" does not use this negatively charged word. If NPR were exercising journalist excellence here, they would not use this negatively charged word. The Pew Report, and the HuffPost ... Full Story

The Social Security Institute’s Questionnaire

The Social Security Institute’s Questionnaire For Presidential Candidates

          The Social Security Institute's Questionnaire For Presidential Candidates by Lawrence Hunter The more the presidential candidates talk, the less we seem to know about their views on Social Security. For example, does Mitt Romney really believe, “There are (sic) one of two ways you can make Social Security work forever:” Raise the retirement age or means test the program by “having slower growth in inflating the benefits of higher-income of (sic) Social ... Full Story

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

      By John W. Whitehead July 11, 2011     “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”—James Madison   “When a nation becomes obsessed with the guns ... Full Story

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