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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Square of Pegasus’

EarthSky Tonight— August 30, Andromeda Galaxy

EarthSky Tonight— August 30,  Andromeda Galaxy visible again each evening

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org The Great Square of Pegasus sparkles over your eastern horizon at early to mid evening. For some idea of the Great Square’s size, extend your hand an arm length from your eye. You will see that any two Great Square stars are farther apart than the width of your hand. The Square of Pegasus is a great jumping off point for finding the famous Andromeda galaxy, also known to astronomers as M31. As seen from mid-northern latitudes, ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—July 23, Jupiter appears to stop,

Earthsky Tonight—July 23, Jupiter appears to stop, then change direction

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Jupiter may be a giant planet, but compared to Earth it moves like an oxcart in the race around the sun. The Earth’s average speed is about 67,000 miles an hour, while Jupiter lumbers along at less than half that speed, or about 29,000 miles an hour. Because of its faster speed and shorter distance to go around its orbit, our Earth laps Jupiter about once every 13 months. It is a lot like a fast racecar in the inner track ... Full Story