July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘State Department’

Nebraskans applaude Keystone decision

Nebraskans applaude Keystone decision

          Nebraska Rancher: Keystone Pipeline Decision Shows ‘Courage’ What do you think about the White House’s recent decision? It’s somewhat astounding to me. The turn of events… what has happened in the last few months. I would give the State Department credit. They came out to Nebraska and all the other states and held hearings. They must have listened to our concerns.The people of Nebraska came out in full force, filled the hearing rooms, expressed ... Full Story

Rural support for denying Keystone

Center for Rural Affairs applauds Denial of Pipeline Construction Controversial Keystone XL Pipeline route rejected Lyons, NE - Americans concerned about the proposed route of the Keystone XL Pipeline received welcome news Wednesday when the Obama administration announced the rejection of a special U.S. State Department permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. “We applaud President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton for making a common sense decision that protects both Nebraska and the entire ... Full Story

News from “The Nation”

  Investigative reporter Greg Palast, best known for uncovering the alleged fraud in Florida in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, followed the footprints of corporations such as BP and Exxon all over the world and uncovered the intricate connections between power, energy and resources. His new book, Vultures' Picnic, takes on corporate power in the energy industry. In this video, he talks to The Nation's John Nichols about his book and how investigative reporting is suppressed by ... Full Story