July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘statement’

Udall Statement on the Death of North Korean Leader

Udall Statement on the Death of North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Press Release Today, Mark Udall, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees, issued the following statement, urging the administration to stay engaged with the leaders of the Korean Peninsula and China as North Korea determines how to proceed after the death of Kim Jong Il: "Kim Jong Il was a tyrant who severely oppressed his own people and threatened the world with his pursuit of nuclear weapons.  North ... Full Story

Udall, 7 Other Senators Introduce Burn Pit Amendment

  Press Release Defense Authorization Amendment Creates Registry for Open-Air Burn Pit Victims   Today, Mark Udall announced he has joined seven other senators in introducing a bipartisan amendment to the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act to create a national registry of service members and veterans impacted by open air burn pits, helping identify and take better care of those affected.  Co-sponsoring the amendment are senators Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Jeff ... Full Story

Udall Statement on U.S. Military Action in Libya

Today, Mark Udall made the following statement on U.S. action in Libya: “Like all Americans, I deplore and condemn the violence against Libyans who are asserting their rights to basic freedoms.  Colonel Qaddafi has been a brutal dictator and is viciously attacking his own people in order to maintain control, and he gave the international community no choice but to act . “Importantly, the United States is acting in concert with the United Nations.  France, Britain and other nations are ... Full Story

Senate Minority Leader Mike Kopp’s Statement on

Today Senate Minority Leader Mike Kopp issued the following statement on the appointment of Ellen Golombek as Executive Director of Department of Labor and Employment. “Governor-elect Hickenlooper’s appointment to the Department of Labor may certainly take some of the air out of the bipartisan atmosphere he has promised to promote as Governor. His selection of a noted progressive activist and union boss in Ms. Golombek, certainly will raise plenty of eyebrows in Colorado’s business ... Full Story