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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Taliban’

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

  OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be Provocative and informative, news and opinion that you did not see on the nightly news. Learn the rest of the story. You may not agree with everything here, but you will find it thought provoking and illuminating.    Daily Headlines   By Danny Schechter Is the Iraq War actually over? The county has a long way to go to recover from a war that is not over. The war that began with the bang of shock and awe ended with the ... Full Story

Plan B for Afghanistan

Plan B for Afghanistan

  U.S. Senator Mark Udall The hard truth is that it is time for the United States to adopt more realistic goals in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  We must acknowledge that there will not be a military solution to the Afghanistan conflict – there can only be a political one – and that requires Pakistan to take responsibility and be held accountable for its actions.  If peace can’t be achieved by 2014 when our combat troops are set to leave, we need a Plan B that leaves Afghanistan ... Full Story

Ten Years After 9/11

Ten Years After 9/11

 Have We Become the Enemy of Freedom? By John W. Whitehead September 6, 2011 When the World Trade Center crumbled to the ground on September 11, 2001, it took with it any illusions Americans might have harbored about the nation's invincibility, leaving many feeling vulnerable, scared and angry. Yet in that moment of weakness, while most of us were still reeling from the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of some 3,000 Americans, we managed to draw strength from and comfort each ... Full Story

Libya, Afghan War, Ukraine

Libya, Afghan War, Ukraine

    Friends in High Places Judy Bachrach With their invasion of Libya, the US, France, and Britain have entered into a risky, multi-dimensional conflict that could stretch well beyond a few weeks. Where, wonders Judy Bachrach, is the military assistance that the Arab League, who so vehemently petitioned the allies to launch their attack and who will be so clearly affected by the fallout from the Libya crisis? Read More       Fantasies of Afghan War Progress at ... Full Story

Killing Civilians in Afghanistan is Terrorism

By Pat Kennelly Afghans expect Americans to see the terrorism they bring to this poor country in the name of fighting terrorism. In Kabul, on the same day that Der Spiegel released photos documenting American soldiers posing with the bodies of civilians they murdered, the Transitional Justice Coordinating Group (TJCG, the umbrella organization for NGOs in Afghanistan that are pursuing transitional justice), gathered Afghan, Australian, American, and German peacemakers to discuss methods to ... Full Story