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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘tax breaks’

GOP Leaders Refuse To Negotiate With Obama Unless He

    Some in the media have been hounding President Obama to do more to reach to Republican leaders, as if it were their job to compel a deficit-reducing “Grand Bargain” during a jobs crisis. But they’ve failed to notice the key aspect of the story: Republican leaders in the House and Senate have refused to negotiate with President Obama at all unless he agrees to drop any demand for new revenues. This telling detail comes in the seventh paragraph of a story in Tuesday’s New ... Full Story

Gardner votes and talks

Representative Gardner Votes to Let Lawmakers Take Vacation & to Block Middle Class Tax Cut  Press Release Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) has the wrong priorities. Gardner voted to let Washington lawmakers leave for a holiday vacation and also voted to block the bipartisan Senate plan for a $1,000 payroll tax cut for 160 million middle income taxpayers.  By going on vacation without passing the payroll tax cut, Gardner is responsible for $1,000 payroll tax hike that begins on ... Full Story

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

    Press Release Representative Gardner Votes For Higher Taxes and Higher Medicare Premiums, Protects Billionaires This evening, Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) voted to force a $1,000 payroll tax hike on 2.5 million middle income Colorado families and raise Medicare premiums for seniors instead of ending tax breaks for billionaires. While voting for higher Medicare premiums for seniors in retirement, Gardner even voted against cutting his own Congressional retirement ... Full Story

Gardner votes for Middle Class Tax Relief and Job

  Press Release WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) voted for legislation that will help create tens of thousands of new jobs, while also providing a tax holiday to those who need it most.   “This is a job-creating bill that extends a much needed middle-class tax holiday. It prevents doctors from being hit with a cut in Medicare reimbursement rates and reforms the unemployment insurance benefits program. Most importantly, however, this bill protects the Social ... Full Story

Big business tax holidays are bad for small business,

Big business tax holidays are bad for small business, bad for America

    By Margot Dorfman   If small business owners decided to stop paying our fair share of taxes, we'd be sent to jail. Big business tax dodgers want Congress to reward them with a tax holiday. The U. S. Women's Chamber of Commerce strongly opposes legislation in Congress that would reward U. S. multinational corporations with massive, unwarranted tax discounts to bring back hundreds of billions in U. S. profits they shifted offshore to avoid paying taxes in the first place. So ... Full Story

Gardner Again Votes To Block Middle Class Tax Cut

Gardner Again Votes To Block Middle Class Tax Cut

Press Release   VOTE ALERT: Representative Gardner Again Votes To Block Middle Class Tax Cut Today, Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) voted for a third time to let House Republicans leave Washington for their holiday vacation without voting to extend the $1,000 payroll tax for 2.5 million Colorado families. Gardner has protected tax breaks for the ultra wealthy but failed to protect middle income families for this payroll tax increase at the end of the year. “It’s a sure thing ... Full Story