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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘taxes’

The “Makers” are really the

The “Makers” are really the “Takers”

    16 Giant Corporations That Have Basically Stopped Paying Taxes -- While Also Cutting Jobs! It's a golden age for corporate profits. So why don't our biggest corporations pay more taxes?   By Paul Bucheit The brackets are set for the big dance — the dance around tax responsibility. Most of the teams are in the bottom bracket. In this league, the lowest score wins. Outside the stadium our nation's kids and seniors and low-income mothers may be dealing with  ... Full Story

Investing in Progress

Investing in Progress

              By Josh Knauer As a software entrepreneur, I find it ironic to see people going online to rail against taxes and government spending. The Internet grew from government research financed by earlier generations of taxpayers. So did computers, GPS technology and many other technologies we take for granted today. The Global Positioning System (GPS) we access from our phones, computers and cars was developed and is still operated by the Department of ... Full Story

Romney Budget increases the deficit

    These two videos clearly show why the "Ryan Budget" does not decrease the deficit or the national debt.   Robert Reich Explains The Romney / Ryan Budget Plan   This Lady Isn't Even Trying To Make Paul Ryan Look Dumb

Revolt of the Rich

Revolt of the Rich

Our financial elites are the new secessionists. By Mike Lofgren It was 1993, during congressional debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement. I was having lunch with a staffer for one of the rare Republican congressmen who opposed the policy of so-called free trade. To this day, I remember something my colleague said: “The rich elites of this country have far more in common with their counterparts in London, Paris, and Tokyo than with their fellow American citizens.” That was ... Full Story

Billionaires against health care

Billionaires against health care

        Koch-backed group launches $9 million ad campaign against health law By Elise Viebeck A conservative advocacy group closely aligned with the Tea Party announced a $9 million swing-state push against President Obama and the healthcare law. The announcement by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which is largely funded by the conservative Koch brothers, comes one day after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the vast majority of the law in a major coup for Obama. "While ... Full Story

More Romney lies

More Romney lies

        Mitt Romney’s claim of credit for the auto industry turnaround Posted by Glenn Kessler What should we do when a politician keeps repeating a Pinocchio-laden claim — or even makes its worse? We have examined previously the former Massachusetts governor’s claim that he set the course for the managed bankruptcy of the auto industry—and also have examined critically some of President Obama’s claims on the bailout. But clearly it’s time for a refresher ... Full Story

Senator Udall on Balanced Budget Amendment

Senator Udall on Balanced Budget Amendment

  A Common-sense Approach to Balancing the Federal Budget U.S. Senator Mark Udall The recent failure of the supercommittee to reach a deal on federal spending cuts is just the latest example of how ill-equipped Congress is to address our nation's gravest challenge: our ballooning $15 trillion national debt. Democrats and Republicans are still stuck in the same rhetorical trenches. Democrats are reluctant to cut entitlements, while Republicans claim we can both cut taxes and balance our ... Full Story

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

  In Business Insider Venture Capitalist Shreds The Idea That Taxing The Rich Is A Job Killer by Lisa Du In an Bloomberg op-ed yesterday, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer laid out a very different point of view on the age-old, Republican-favored argument of "if taxes are raised on the rich, job creation will stop." This particular point has been at the forefront in opposing nearly every policy debate about raising taxes on the rich. Hanauer's contrarian view looks at the state of job ... Full Story

Grover Norquist: a misleading accounting of recent

Grover Norquist: a misleading accounting of recent history

            Grover Norquist: a misleading accounting of recent history By Glenn Kessler “Raising taxes slows the economy. Raising taxes kills jobs. Government spending does not create jobs. The idea that if you take a dollar out of the economy from somebody who earned it, either through debt or through taxes, and give it to somebody who is politically connected, that there are more dollars around? That if you stand on one side of the lake and put a bucket into the lake and walk ... Full Story

The GOP’s Oath To The One Percent

  The GOP’s Oath To The One Percent  By ThinkProgress War Room on Nov 23, 2011 at 2:06 pm One Oath to Rule Them All You’d think the oath that mattered most to our elected leaders would be this one: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; ... Full Story

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