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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Tea Party’

Welcome to Ayn Rand Planet

Welcome to Ayn Rand Planet

  Why the Rich Prosper from the Stock Market While We Get Screwed By Les Leopold On Planet Rand, the stock-market boom is a wonderful thing precisely because it rests upon the recent rise in corporate profits.   March 11, 2013  | This morning I received an email blast form Amazon. It was pushing The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, the old and new testament of the Ayn Rand nation, which includes much of the Tea Party and its Republican allies. How appropriate to be promoting Ayn ... Full Story

Is Team Romney to blame for Middle East violence?

          It all seems too well timed. At a critical point in the campaigns, with Romney trailing in the polls, an inflammatory video insulting the Prophet Mohammad is placed on YouTube and demonstrations begin. Team Romney is listening in and cannot wait to make a statement and blame the president. Why did this happen just now? Why was Team Romney so closely monitoring the twitter account of the Egyptian Embassy? The answer may be found by following the money. Who ... Full Story

Billionaires against health care

Billionaires against health care

        Koch-backed group launches $9 million ad campaign against health law By Elise Viebeck A conservative advocacy group closely aligned with the Tea Party announced a $9 million swing-state push against President Obama and the healthcare law. The announcement by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which is largely funded by the conservative Koch brothers, comes one day after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the vast majority of the law in a major coup for Obama. "While ... Full Story

Cory Gardner frolics with lobbyists

Cory Gardner frolics with lobbyists

  Tea Party Freshmen Frolic With Lobbyists At $10,000 A Head Fundraiser Tea Party insurgents swept the Republicans into power in 2010, riding a wave of frustration with the status quo to a majority in the House of Representatives. But after less than two years, many seem to have become quite comfortable with the ways of Washington, or, in this case, Key Largo: That's where we caught up with a select group of Republican freshmen, engaged in business as usual. But they didn't come alone. ... Full Story

Hurt Obama, don’t hire

Hurt Obama, don’t hire

          Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses ‘Not To Hire A Single Person’ To Hurt Obama By Marie Diamond Congressional Republicans have acted shocked and offended at Democrats’ suggestions that they are intentionally sabotaging the economy to try to win back the White House in 2012. Republicans have refused to pass President Obama’s jobs plan — which experts estimate will create at least 1.9 million jobs — and proposed an alternative plan that ... Full Story

Failed Tea Party candidate, calls for assassination of

Failed Tea Party candidate, calls for assassination of President

        Jules Manson, Failed Tea Party Candidate, Calls For Assassination Of Obama, First Daughters             Jules Manson, a failed Tea Party candidate for local office in California, recently called for the assassination of President Obama and his daughters in a racial epithet-ridden Facebook screed. The post, originally about his opposition to the recent passage of the controversial National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a measure allowing the ... Full Story

Koch Brothers: doing away with America

  The Koch Brothers, David and Charles, are the fifth richest people in the United States. They get their revenue from Koch Industries. The Koch's are philanthropists and also use their vast wealth to  promote right wing political organizations including several that they have created. Their political beliefs are Libertarian, believing in the least amount of government. They are major funders of the Tea Party, thus belying its "grass roots" origins. See: Romney Campaign Memo: The Koch ... Full Story

Class Warfare: Q&A

Class Warfare: Q&A

  With all the talk about class warfare the commentary on the Rasmusen Reports is enlightening. It is also enlightening that when ever the subject is brought up by conservatives, it is made to sound that class warfare is bad. The Koch brothers and their ilk are, and have been actively engaged in class war fare for some time now yet there has been no hue and cry from the conservatives. Why is it that when the less affluent want more it is class war fare and when the wealthy want more it is ... Full Story

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

    Al Jazeera The class warfare the rich don't understand   The Masters of the Universe evaded responsibility and defiantly demanded more sacrifice from their victims, says author. By Heather Digby Parton, Last Modified: 10 Oct 2011 09:43 "Those who own the country ought to govern it." - Founding father, John Jay   There have been rumblings in the corners of the Tea party movement for some time, but the minute president Obama announced that he was going to ask wealthy Americans ... Full Story

Jobs needed

Jobs needed

  To the Editor World War II ended abruptly on August 15, 1945. Across America whistles blew, horns tooted, and people poured into the streets to celebrate the end of our four-year nightmare. What a wonderfully joyous relief! It also was the end of millions of stateside jobs, just when we had eleven million returning troops who would need jobs, and our national debt equaled 156% of GNP (vs 99% today). (Editors note: A balanced budget amendment would have meant we could not have ... Full Story

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