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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘treaty’

On This Day, October 24, 1951

On This Day, October 24, 1951

  Truman declares war with Germany officially over On this day in 1951, President Harry Truman finally proclaims that the nation's war with Germany, begun in 1941, is officially over. Fighting had ended in the spring of 1945. Most Americans assumed that the war with Germany had ended with the cessation of hostilities six years earlier. In fact, a treaty with Germany had not been signed. Complicating the treaty process was the status of territory within what was formerly the German state. ... Full Story

START: Do the Right Thing

START: Do the Right Thing

By Lt. Gen. Dirk Jameson (ret.) At this time of thanksgiving, we are reminded how people came together, shared resources, shared opinions and worked together to form and protect our nation. During my long career in the US Air Force, I was at the very sharp end of the spear that defended our nation, rising to deputy commander-in-chief and chief of staff of U. S. Strategic Command. During that time, going back to the Reagan years and before, the U. S. methodically and relentlessly carved ... Full Story

A New START for Women Around the World

A New START for Women Around the World

By Linda Tarr-Whelan The so-called New START, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, is poised for an historic ratification vote in the Senate this year. Three more major international treaties are also lined up on President Obama’s ratification to-do list: the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. CEDAW is a landmark international ... Full Story