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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘U.S. Congress’

Loveland Open House for Polis

Loveland Open House for Polis

  Please join neighborhood hosts Rich Ball, Mark & Joan Shaffer, Sally & Mike Buonpane and Ann Harroun For a Summer Kick-off Party with Congressman Polis Friday, May 25 5:00-7:30pm 1801 N. Garfield Avenue, Loveland, Colorado   Free and open to the public--Food and Drink will be provided   Congressman Polis will give an update on what is happening in Washington DC and what he is working on in D.C your behalf. Then there will be plenty of time for him to take and answer ... Full Story

Congress: see how they voted

Congress: see how they voted

The Washington Post has created a link to look at the votes of both houses of congress, back as far as the 102nd Congress.       Congressional votes database               Explore the database House votes Senate votes

Coffman Calls on Senate to Negotiate Differences and

  (WASHINGTON) - U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) released the following statement today regarding the Senate plan for a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut, unemployment insurance benefits and the Medicare reimbursement rate for doctors. Coffman is calling on the Senate to work with the House on a proposal that extends the benefits for a full year instead of just two months. "The Senate was in such a rush to get out of town and start their vacations that they didn't complete their ... Full Story

Gardner votes and talks

Representative Gardner Votes to Let Lawmakers Take Vacation & to Block Middle Class Tax Cut  Press Release Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) has the wrong priorities. Gardner voted to let Washington lawmakers leave for a holiday vacation and also voted to block the bipartisan Senate plan for a $1,000 payroll tax cut for 160 million middle income taxpayers.  By going on vacation without passing the payroll tax cut, Gardner is responsible for $1,000 payroll tax hike that begins on ... Full Story

Tipton Announces 28 Service Academy Nominations

  Tipton Announces 28 Service Academy Nominations from Across the 3rd Congressional District   Washington, D.C.—Today, Rep. Scott Tipton announced the names of 28 students from the 3rd Congressional District who received a Service Academy nomination from his office.  These students met and exceeded the stringent requirements of the respective Academy and of Tipton’s office. “I had the great privilege of calling and speaking with each of these students, and I am proud to say ... Full Story

NDAA Dissenters in Congress

NDAA Dissenters in Congress

  First read the following article. The Bill of Rights died on its 220th birthday if not before. US: A dangerous Woman - Indefinite Detention at Carswell       Truthdiggers of the Week: NDAA Dissenters in Congress  Though they couldn’t stop the freedom-crushing National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 from becoming law, Truthdig salutes the efforts of the members of the U.S. Congress who took a stand against the NDAA in the final round of voting this week. There ... Full Story

Coffman Proposes More Reforms for Congress

Coffman Proposes More Reforms for Congress Introduces Bills to Enact Term Limits and Stop Automatic Pay Raises   (WASHINGTON) – Today U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman announced that he introduced two pieces of legislation aimed at reforming Congress. One bill would put an end to automatic annual pay raises for members of Congress, requiring federal lawmakers to vote on any salary increase, while the other bill would limit the number of terms a member of Congress may serve. “The current system is ... Full Story

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

Gardner Votes For Higher Medicare Premiums

    Press Release Representative Gardner Votes For Higher Taxes and Higher Medicare Premiums, Protects Billionaires This evening, Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) voted to force a $1,000 payroll tax hike on 2.5 million middle income Colorado families and raise Medicare premiums for seniors instead of ending tax breaks for billionaires. While voting for higher Medicare premiums for seniors in retirement, Gardner even voted against cutting his own Congressional retirement ... Full Story

Gardner votes for Middle Class Tax Relief and Job

  Press Release WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) voted for legislation that will help create tens of thousands of new jobs, while also providing a tax holiday to those who need it most.   “This is a job-creating bill that extends a much needed middle-class tax holiday. It prevents doctors from being hit with a cut in Medicare reimbursement rates and reforms the unemployment insurance benefits program. Most importantly, however, this bill protects the Social ... Full Story

Tipton Votes to Put Americans to Work

Press Release  Bill to create jobs, cut taxes and spending, and extend unemployment benefits passes House with bipartisan vote Washington, D.C.—Today, Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) joined his House colleagues in passing the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 (H.R. 3630).  Tipton issued this statement following the bipartisan passage: “Today we voted in the House to pass a common sense jobs bill that would put thousands of middle class Americans to work immediately with the ... Full Story

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