EarthSky Tonight—August 21, Summer Triangle high overhead on summer evenings
The three stars of the Summer Triangle shine so wonderfully brilliantly that you can see them from light-polluted cities or on a moonlit night.
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The three stars of the Summer Triangle shine so wonderfully brilliantly that you can see them from light-polluted cities or on a moonlit night.
A moonless sky means this is a good time to get out into the country for a look at the summer Milky Way: the edgewise view into our own galaxy.
The Great Rift of the Summer Milky Way passes through the Summer Triangle, between the stars Vega and Altair.
Deneb is the northernmost star in the Summer Triangle. Its constellation is Cygnus the Swan.
That is Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle, and the second brightest star in the Summer Triangle.
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Hercules above the star Vega. Today’s closer view can help you identify the most famous deep-sky object within this constellation. It is a globular star cluster known as M13.
Hercules the Hero is not the easiest constellation to identify. You will need a dark sky to see this mighty star figure.