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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘veto’

Romney failed at being Governor

Romney failed at being Governor

In Alternet Democracy Danger Signs: Mitt Romney's 800+ Vetoes as Mass. Governor By Joshua Holland Romney's blocks were overridden over 95% of the time. November 3, 2012  | Mitt Romney's “closing argument” redefines chutzpah. “You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress,” Romney said on Friday. He warned of a government shut-down, or another debt-ceiling crisis – two examples of Congressional Republicans ... Full Story

USA, Land of the Free? Not any more

USA, Land of the Free? Not any more

  Looking at the Patriot Act and the NDAA We, that is We The People, of the United States have lost many of our freedoms and much of our civil liberties in the 20 years since I retired from the military. The attacks of 9/11, which Ron Paul so aptly points out were retaliation for some of our interventionist policies in the latter half of the 20th Century. While changing the way the United States does business would probably solve the terrorist problem, the government has instead used the ... Full Story

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

  OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be Provocative and informative, news and opinion that you did not see on the nightly news. Learn the rest of the story. You may not agree with everything here, but you will find it thought provoking and illuminating.    Daily Headlines   By Danny Schechter Is the Iraq War actually over? The county has a long way to go to recover from a war that is not over. The war that began with the bang of shock and awe ended with the ... Full Story