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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘voter suppression’

GOP’s war on voting and democracy

GOP’s war on voting and democracy

Another elderly woman is disenfranchised by the GOP’s war on voting MOYERS & COMPANY   is story first appeared at BillMoyers.com. You may have been voting in the same polling place for longer than your state legislators have been alive, only to find yourself disenfranchised as a result of new restrictive voting laws passed by Republicans as a “solution” to the non-existent problem of voter identification fraud. It happened to 92-year-old Ruby Barber and 84-year-old Dorothy Card in ... Full Story

Stealing elections, Republican style

Stealing elections, Republican style

                  OpEd News presents nine articles on election fraud and dirty tricks as the right wing attempts to subvert the democratic process. If this succeeds, it will be the end of the Republic. By Bob Fitrakis Another Husted Dirty Trick in Ohio 
Election fraud is anything but "de minimus" in Ohio. Ohio voters didn't choose Bush II & they probably won't choose Romney though the Secretary of State's Election Counsel, Brandi Seske, may ... Full Story

Will Republicans steal the election?

  There is genuine concern that the republicans will try to steal the coming election. There is plenty of evidence that they have the mindset to do so. In addition the wholesale lies by the Republicans and their SuperPacs, (go to Politifact.com to see) there are many avenues available that may be effective. Certainly the efforts at voter suppression in the guise of fighting a non-existent voter fraud is one example. However, it turns out that the Republican’s worry about election fraud ... Full Story

Voter fraud rarer than shark attacks

Voter fraud rarer than shark attacks

            "I want people in Florida to want to vote as bad as that person in Africa who walks 200 miles across the desert. This should not be easy." -- Florida State Senator Mike Bennett   If Mike Bennett has anything to say about it, Florida's HB 1355 will surely make voting much harder for that state's minority residents. HB 1355 (now under legal challenge), changes the rules for early voting and voter registration, all in an attempt to combat alleged ... Full Story

Republican admits Voter ID laws designed to suppress

Republican admits Voter ID laws designed to suppress Democrats

                The Cat’s Out Of The Bag: One Republican Admits Voter ID Laws Are Meant to Suppress Democrats Written by Annie-Rose Strasser This weekend, Pennsylvania Republican House Leader Mike Turzai (R-PA) finally admitted what so many have speculated: Voter identification efforts are meant to suppress Democratic votes in this year’s election. At the Republican State Committee meeting, Turzai took the stage and let slip the truth about why ... Full Story

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

OpEd News: December 17, 2011

  OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be Provocative and informative, news and opinion that you did not see on the nightly news. Learn the rest of the story. You may not agree with everything here, but you will find it thought provoking and illuminating.    Daily Headlines   By Danny Schechter Is the Iraq War actually over? The county has a long way to go to recover from a war that is not over. The war that began with the bang of shock and awe ended with the ... Full Story

ACLU challenges voter suppression law

ACLU challenges voter suppression law

ACLU's Federal Challenge to WI GOP's Photo ID Restrictions Could Reverse Similar Laws Nationwide   By Ernest A. Canning on 12/15/2011 6:29am Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning Election laws in Wisconsin are not covered by Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act, which would otherwise require the Dept. of Justice or a federal panel of judges to "preclear" such laws to assure they are not discriminatory. Thus, it falls to non-governmental organizations, such as the American Civil ... Full Story