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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘war’

War looms, torture and more

War looms, torture and more

Congress promoting un-American ideals By Gary Wamsley Senate Republicans are using the Defense Authorization Bill to advance some very un-American ideals. These amendments should have you worried. In the first is an amendment that would authorize the military to operate on American soil and detain American citizens. It has long been on of the cornerstones of our democracy that the military is only to defend the country from outside sources. Under the guise of “counter-terrorism” the ... Full Story

On this Day, November 17, 1970

On this Day, November 17, 1970

My Lai trial begins The court-martial of 1st Lt. William Calley begins. Calley, a platoon leader in Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade (Light) of the 23rd (Americal) Division, had led his men in a massacre of Vietnamese civilians, including women and children, at My Lai 4 on March 16, 1968. My Lai 4 was one of a cluster of hamlets that made up Son My village in the northern area of South Vietnam. The company had been conducting a search-and-destroy mission as ... Full Story

Our Monster

Our Monster

  By Winslow Myers In the Republican presidential debate on November 12 focusing upon issues of foreign policy, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, speaking of Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear capability, said, “We should be working with Israel right now to do what they did in Syria, what they did in Iraq, which is to take out that nuclear capability before the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one, and then the world changes.” With all respect, Mr. Santorum, the world has ... Full Story

Answering Joe Dion’s Stomping Stamps

Answering Joe Dion’s Stomping Stamps

  EBT means Electronic-Balance-Transfer. While, yes, the EBT card may hold "food stamp" benefits for some, others get cash assistance and can use the card, like a debit card, most anywhere credit cards are accepted. What Mr. Dion saw "Mr. EBT" doing at McDonalds˙ was not purchasing fast food with food stamps but with a cash allowance. Yes the entire welfare system is out of control. But the reader needs to take a look around the whole warren not just the one little rabbit hole he seems to ... Full Story

Ten Years After 9/11

Ten Years After 9/11

 Have We Become the Enemy of Freedom? By John W. Whitehead September 6, 2011 When the World Trade Center crumbled to the ground on September 11, 2001, it took with it any illusions Americans might have harbored about the nation's invincibility, leaving many feeling vulnerable, scared and angry. Yet in that moment of weakness, while most of us were still reeling from the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of some 3,000 Americans, we managed to draw strength from and comfort each ... Full Story

Virtual Vietnam Wall

Virtual Vietnam Wall

I receive a great many emails from my military classmates and many are worth sharing. This was sent to me by "Uncle Bill." the oldest man in our Pilot Training Class. He must have been all of 29 at the time. We are all older and we all lost friends in Southeast Asia, but we still keep in touch nearly 60 years later.   I will just include the instructions that came with the email and the link to the site. Please let me know how you feel about running these remembrances of my military ... Full Story

Family Planning

Family Planning

To the Editor: Dear God, When you told us to “be fruitful and multiply”, did you intend for this multiplying to go on, unchecked, forever? Perhaps it’s time for new orders, like “Stop! Enough with the multiplying! I gave you the brains to figure out family planning. By now you should have had the sense to use it. “You humans are spoiling my beautiful planet. You’re using up all the resources and filling the land and seas with garbage. Your wars wreak havoc on everyone ... Full Story

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