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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘waxing crescent Moon tonight’

EarthSky Tonight—December 9, Find Orion the Hunter

EarthSky Tonight—December 9,  Find Orion the Hunter and see the Milky Way

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at www.EarthSky.org You can find one of winter’s most famous constellations – Orion the Hunter – plus see the Milky Way tonight. Orion is bright and can be seen from inside smaller cities. For the Milky Way, you will need a dark sky! On these evenings in early to mid-December, the constellation Orion rises over your eastern horizon 2 to 3 hours after sunset. Orion swings south to his highest point around midnight, then sets ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight—December 8, Earliest northern

EarthSky Tonight—December 8,  Earliest northern hemisphere sunsets are not at solstice

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at www.EarthSky.org The 2010 solstice comes on December 21, but the earliest sunsets for the northern hemisphere are around now. It seems paradoxical. At middle latitudes in the U.S. – and throughout the northern hemisphere – the earliest sunsets of the year come about two weeks before the solstice and the shortest day of the year. Everything you need to know about the solstice on December 21 Why isn’t the earliest sunset on ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—July 17, Lunar night versus lunar

Earthsky Tonight—July 17, Lunar night versus lunar day

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org When darkness falls this evening the moon, as always, appears in a more easterly location on our sky’s dome than it did the night before. The bright star near the moon tonight is Spica in the constellation Virgo. The string of lights to the right and lower right of the moon and Spica at early evening are the planets Saturn, Mars and Venus. Tonight’s moon is still at a waxing crescent, but it’s an extremely fat crescent now. ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—May 16, Crescent moon near Venus

Earthsky Tonight—May 16, Crescent moon near Venus

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org As seen from parts of southeast Asia, the moon passes in front of Venus at about 10 hours Universal Time today. Unfortunately, this is not visible to North American or European observers, but we have not lost out entirely. Tonight, just as it gets dark, look to the western sky and, weather permitting, you should see a beautiful sight — bright Venus with the waxing crescent moon nearby. You should have no trouble finding either ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—May 15, Crescent moon near Venus

Earthsky Tonight—May 15, Crescent moon near Venus after sunset

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Sharp-eyed observers with clear skies and a good view of the western sky may catch a thin lunar crescent a few degrees to the lower right of Venus this evening. Best views will be about a half hour to an hour after local sunset. Face the west-northwestern horizon. If the sky is clear and you have an unhampered view, Venus will be un-missable! The thin crescent moon is below and to the right. Because the moon and planets share a ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—May, 17, Moon near Venus, Castor

Earthsky Tonight—May, 17, Moon near Venus, Castor and Pollux

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org This evening after dark look in the west to find a lovely waxing crescent moon in front of the constellation Gemini, also known as the Twins. The Gemini Twins – Castor and Pollux – stand upright upon the horizon at early evening. As evening deepens into late night, Gemini slowly but surely sinks beneath the horizon, to disappear from the sky by around 1:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Can you identify the stars Castor and Pollux ... Full Story