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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘wealthy’

Romney’s theory of the “taker class”

Romney’s theory of the “taker class”

Romney’s theory of the “taker class,” and why it matters Posted by Ezra Kline There will be plenty said about the politics of Romney’s remarks. But I want to take a moment and talk about the larger argument behind them, because this vision of a society divided between “makers” and “takers” is core to the Republican nominee’s policy agenda. In his comments, Romney says that “these are people who pay no income tax,” but they are people “who are dependent upon government, ... Full Story

Mitt Romney, casino capitalist

Mitt Romney, casino capitalist

          Mitt Romney and the New Gilded Age By Robert B. Reich The election of 2012 raises two perplexing questions. The first is how the GOP could put up someone for president who so brazenly epitomizes the excesses of casino capitalism that have nearly destroyed the economy and overwhelmed our democracy. The second is why the Democrats have failed to point this out. The White House has criticized Mitt Romney for his years at the helm of Bain Capital, pointing to a ... Full Story

Super Rich buying the White House

Super Rich buying the White House

                  Anonymous Donor Writes Huge Check To GOP — Thanks, Citizens United! By Robin Marty Someone out there is so intent on making sure that President Barack Obama doesn’t serve a second term in office he or she is willing to shell out big cash to prevent it. Who?  Well, we’ll probably never know. According to the Washington Post, an anonymous $10 million donation was made to Karl Rove’s super PAC Crossroads GPS, to be spent on ... Full Story

Pakman on the “State of the Union”

Pakman on the “State of the Union”

President Obama’s State of the Union address was one of the best in recent history, not judging by the number of applauses and ovations, but by the content. Sometimes it’s the lack of applause from parts of the audience that are most telling. The President mentioned the lack of troops in Iraq for the first time in years, and referred to a system where “everyone plays by the same rules,” a clear reference to corporate misbehavior, income inequality, and other issues in the spotlight due ... Full Story

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

  In Business Insider Venture Capitalist Shreds The Idea That Taxing The Rich Is A Job Killer by Lisa Du In an Bloomberg op-ed yesterday, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer laid out a very different point of view on the age-old, Republican-favored argument of "if taxes are raised on the rich, job creation will stop." This particular point has been at the forefront in opposing nearly every policy debate about raising taxes on the rich. Hanauer's contrarian view looks at the state of job ... Full Story

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

    Al Jazeera The class warfare the rich don't understand   The Masters of the Universe evaded responsibility and defiantly demanded more sacrifice from their victims, says author. By Heather Digby Parton, Last Modified: 10 Oct 2011 09:43 "Those who own the country ought to govern it." - Founding father, John Jay   There have been rumblings in the corners of the Tea party movement for some time, but the minute president Obama announced that he was going to ask wealthy Americans ... Full Story