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Teepee Rings Archeological Tour

Wednesday November 2

1:00pm – 4:00pm

The field trip will include an easy, round-trip walk of 1.5 miles. This special opportunity is free, but space is very limited. Be sure to not miss this unique opportunity to visit a conservation easement in the Laramie Foothills!  Register at:  www.larimer.org/naturalresources/registration

Jason LaBelle, noted CSU archeology professor and director of the Colorado Archeological Society, will lead the trip, and will describe the rich cultural history of early Native American activity in the Laramie Foothills and beyond. Dr. LaBelle has been conducting archeological surveys and excavations in the Laramie Foothills area for the past five years.

Tepee Rings Conservation Easement, established in 2002, covers 504 acres of ranch land boasting significant short-grass and mixed-grass prairie as well as fascinating Native American stone circles.This easement is part of the Laramie Foothills: Mountains to Plains Conservation Project which provides critical range for large animals such as elk, deer, black bear, and pronghorn, as well as habitat for threatened neo-tropical migratory songbirds and other bird species.

For any questions, please contact

Rob Novak

(970) 679-4561


Founded in 1993 and serving Larimer, Jackson and Weld counties, Legacy Land Trust is a local, non-profit organization working to help keep northern Colorado great. Legacy Land Trust conserves key natural, scenic and agricultural landscapes in northern Colorado that make this region a special place to live and work. By working in collaboration with landowners, other non-profits, and other land protection agencies, Legacy Land Trust has protected over 40,000 acres of scenic vistas, wildlife habitat, and agricultural lands. http://legacylandtrust.org/



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