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Lt. John Pike of the U.C. Davis campus police may be one of the  most famous cops in the U.S. His actions at the Occupy site at the university have prompted an outburst of opinion and some parody.

The first article talks about the internet meme and the twitter account. Links to both are in the article at Salon. Be sure to look at Pepper Spraying Cop Tumblr

Lt Pike and the NYPD white shirt who sprayed the women at OWS have both been cited by the hacker group Anonymous. The second article covers that news.



The geeky triumph of Pepper Spray Cop

How did the horrific image of U.C. Davis police officer John Pike become a hilarious Internet meme overnight?

By Mary Elizabeth William

If you want to vanquish the enemy, render him absurd. Most recent case in point? The viral stardom of University of California, Davis, police Lt. John Pike. A week ago, you didn’t know his name. Now, he’s Pepper Spray Cop. And Pepper Spray Cop is considerably more entertaining than Lt. John Pike.

Lt. John Pike, as the world was made painfully aware last Friday, is the officer who pepper sprayed a phalanx of peacefully linked protesters who refused to move from the university’s quad. The gung-ho Pike, it should be noted, was swiftly joined by several of his similarly pepper-spray-happy cohorts. But it was the image of him and his confident, casual, almost bored delivery of a torrent of orange that ignited outrage — and then, inevitably, parody.

By Monday, Pike was rocking more memes than a Weezer video. Behold @PepperSprayCop, the man who says things like “just sprayed a can of Right Guard in my dog’s snout” and “PSSSSSHHHTTTT!” on Twitter. There’s also advice columnist Lt. John Pike, currently dispensing wisdom like it was mace on his own blog. The only downside to our latter-day Dear Abby? His repertoire of methods for dealing with a mailman who delivers after 5 p.m., for subduing feral cats, or for deciding what kind of car to buy all tend to run toward the singular theme of “Try pepper spraying him until his eyes bleed.”  Read More  



Anonymous goes after UC Davis pepper-spray cop

It’s been a hectic week for Lt. John Pike. First he was suspended for his now notorious pepper-spray assault on protesters at UC Davis. Next he became an online sensation.

Now the campus police officer has his phone ringing off the hook — and it doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon.

The online retaliation against the University of California Davis cop has only gotten stronger in recent days, and after a series of edited images portraying the police officer firing at everything from Mount Rushmore and Revolution War soldiers to classic works of art have made their rounds on the Web, hacking collective Anonymous has fired back with an assault of their own.

In a video clip uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday, a digitized voice claiming to be an operative with the shadowy hacktivist group Anonymous released the cell phone number, email and home address of Pike — and according to the Daily News, his voicemail box has been full ever since. Read More  


NYPD cop outted for pepper-spraying protesters   








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