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GS cookie season is here

It is that time of year again. Girl Scout Cookies went on sale today. The scouts have been selling cookies since 1917 and here at the Wamsley house I am proud that we have had 3 generations of Girl Scouts who have participated in this program.

The profits from the cookie sales help pay for scouting activities and teaches the girls life long business skills.

During this first week the scouts are encouraged to ask family and friends to buy Girl Scout Cookies. Starting next week they will begin booth sales for the National Girl Scout Cookie weekend. The sales period will run through March 2.

The Colorado scouts are selling six varieties of cookies which you can see in the graphic below. You can click on it to make it larger.

If you have questions about Girl Scout Cookie sales you can probably find the answer here at Frequently Asked Questions.

For more information about scouting and ways to support go to Girl Scouts of Colorado.

On the slim chance that there are now Girl Scouts in your neighborhood and your favorite shopping place does not have a sales booth, you can go to Cookie Locator  to find a location near you.

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I was fortunate enough to have Miss Bella Mendoza of Troop 3631, Longmont,
deliver two boxes of cookies to my front door. If you would like to purchase
cookies from Scout Mendoza, you may send your information to
and I will forward it to her.

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