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Press Release 

Bill to create jobs, cut taxes and spending, and extend unemployment benefits passes House with bipartisan vote

Washington, D.C.—Today, Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) joined his House colleagues in passing the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 (H.R. 3630).  Tipton issued this statement following the bipartisan passage:

“Today we voted in the House to pass a common sense jobs bill that would put thousands of middle class Americans to work immediately with the building of the Keystone XL energy pipeline and repeal of the EPA’s job-killing Boiler MACT regulation.  Our package cuts spending and reduces the federal deficit while extending the payroll tax holiday so that businesses and hardworking Americans can continue to keep more of their paychecks, as well as extending unemployment benefits for those who are diligently searching for work.

“We did this not by raising taxes or killing jobs, but by finding offsets in government spending with common sense spending cuts—90% of which have already been proposed by the President.  In fact, this bill, over a ten year period, reduces federal spending by $89.3 billion and taxes by $88.3 billion, and cuts the deficit by $953 million.  We have done our job in the House by sending yet another jobs bill to the Senate to join the 20-plus already languishing on Harry Reid’s doorstep.  I urge the Senate to follow our lead and immediately pass this important piece of legislation to provide relief to American workers, create thousands of new jobs and ensure that those who are struggling to find work continue to receive the benefits they need.”

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