News for Norther Colorado and the world

Monday, January 20, 2025

Traffic Flow Changes at the Larimer County Landfill

Larimer County, Colorado—Beginning at 8 a.m., Monday, December 20, vehicles bringing trash to the Larimer County Landfill will be routed over one of two new incoming scales at the previous gatehouse sites.  Customers will exit over another scale to be weighed out as they leave the landfill.

Cubic yard rates will continue to be charged once the scales are open.  Additional construction will occur as gate arms, directional signs and other final details are completed.

Installation of new scales began in August.  Incoming vehicles will be required to weigh in as they enter and weigh out as they exit.  In order to comply with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, we were required to install scales. Beginning January 1, 2011, we will be required to report to the EPA the total weight of all trash coming into the landfill.

Traffic had been diverted during the construction phase.  The Solid Waste Department staff appreciates the public’s patience and support during the construction phase and as the new scales are implemented.

For further information, contact Stephen Gillette, Solid Waste Director at (970) 498-5762 or Ann Lujan, Solid Waste Manager, (970) 498-5763