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Berthoud: November 9, 2010

The Berthoud Trustees moved through their agenda quickly on Tuesday night, finishing the session in slightly over 45 minutes.

Laurel Downer and Lexi DiPentino

Speaking in the Citizen Participation time, Lexi DiPentino and Laurel Downer told the board about their new group, Berthoud Military Family Support. DiPentio, Downer and Terri Rivera started the group for mutual support for families with sons and daughters in the military. They explained that they wanted to send CARE packages to our local soldiers serving overseas. They have placed donation boxes at several locations around town and asked if they could place one at town hall and are asking for local support.

Mayor Patterson thanked the women for their efforts.

In the reports from trustees, Trustee Shepard reported on the proposed amendment to the Growth Management Area (GMA). The proposal would expand the GMA to the North and South. Shepard said, even though it was not required, letters have been sent to all adjacent property owners. Meeting on the subject are scheduled for November 18 at 7 p.m. at the Berthoud Area Community Center and December 9 at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. (See attached map for the expanded GMA, shown in green).

Trustee Hindman reported that the Larimer County Parks and Open Space Board meeting this week will be talking about trails and representatives of all the municipalities have been invited to participate.

The trustees had discussion as to whether the board should go in to executive session to discuss a personnel matter pertaining to the town attorney. There was disagreement on this matter, with Trustee Hindman wanting an open discussion and Trustee Skiles opting for a closed session. A compromise was reached with the board asking Administrator Hart to look into the matter and  report back to the board.

The Board then moved to approve the lease of the Museum Buildings to the Berthoud Historical Society and voted to extend the moratorium on medical marijuana production and sale. Planner Katers told the board that he nearly had a marijuana ordinance ready for them, but that the recent elections in neighboring cities to ban medical marijuana necessitates some changes to his proposals.

With little discussion, the board approved four ordinances for the Ludlow annexation, rezoning, development plans, conveyance plat and site-specific development plan.

Prior to adjourning, Administrator Hart briefed the board on the meeting on water. He asked if the members would like to start early as he estimated it would take four hours to discuss the information in the packets. This discussion is about supply and quality, not price of water. Among the options listed are various degrees of Little Thompson Water District supply.

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