News for Norther Colorado and the world

Monday, January 20, 2025

US Killing Children around the world

By Cora Currier
Officials refused to comment on a June 9 drone strike in Yemen that allegedly killed a 10-year-old boy.
On June 9, a U.S. drone fired on a vehicle in a remote province of Yemen and killed several militants,  according to media reports.
It soon emerged that  among those who died was a boy – 10-year-old Abdulaziz, whose elder brother, Saleh Hassan Huraydan, was believed to be the target of the strike. A McClatchy reporter recently confirmed the child’s death with locals. (Update: The London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism today  reported that there was “strong evidence” it was a U.S. drone strike, but it could not confirm the fact.)
It’s the first prominent allegation of a civilian death since President Obama  pledged in a major speech in May “to facilitate transparency and debate” about the U.S. war on al Qaida-linked militants beyond Afghanistan. He also said “there must be near-certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured” in a strike.
So what does the administration have to say in response to evidence that a child was killed?
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