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This week a woman was sitting on a bus stop bench in downtown Loveland when a very intoxicated man approached and verbally attacked her with vile, ignorant language. The woman ran into the Alternatives to Violence office on Fourth Street with the man in pursuit, where he threatened and verbally attacked her and the staff. When he was asked to leave, he put his fist through the front office window. He stood threatening and bleeding on Fourth Street. Several Loveland Police  officers came and took him away by ambulance; he received a ticket. The following day there was a scuffle in the Thompson Pocket Park, now becoming an everyday occurrence. The Loveland Police again came, a ticket was issued, but nothing more could be done.

This week, a woman and her four children left their abusive home after 10 years. She came to Alternatives to Violence to find there is no room in a safehouse within a 75-mile radius. Her children are in school and she has a part-time job in Loveland. She was forced to return to her husband; the abuse will potentially escalated by 75% due to her attempt at leaving.

So, tell me what is newsworthy in Loveland, Colorado? Why aren’t the citizens of Loveland and Berthoud holding up a banner that says, “Come on, Let’s Build a Safehouse in Southern Larimer County!” “Let’s protect our women and children.” “Let’s give them a harbor of hope and healing and the ability to stay in their own community.”

No, the glass breaking at Alternatives to Violence is not as news worthy or enraging as the glass breaking at the Loveland Museum…but it should be!

I will be on the corner across the street on Friday evening during the candlelight vigil, holding a Safehouse banner! If you care to join me, I will let you know the time, if you choose not to, know that I WILL be there! Pass on to anyone you think might care. If I am arrested, come and get me!

Lynda M. Nielsen
Executive Director
Alternatives to Violence

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